The Feasibility of Invoking the Rule of "Itlaf" in Contractual Damage Compensation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Theology, Faculty of Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student, Department of Law, Faculty of Private Law, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran,.

3 PhD student, departmant of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Compensation for damages resulting from breach of contract has gained increasing significance due to the expansion of contractual relations. In the Iranian legal system, in addition to the general rules of civil liability, Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) rules are also influential in this area. One of these rules is the rule of "Itlaf" (unlawful destruction or consumption of another's property), which is considered one of the grounds for strict liability in fiqh. However, the application of this rule, rooted in strict liability, faces challenges in the realm of contractual liability. This research examines the challenges of invoking the rule of Itlaf in contractual damage compensation. This research addresses the challenges of: the difference in the nature of contractual and strict liability; the conditions for the realization of Itlaf in contractual liability; and how to reconcile the agreement between the parties in the contract with the general rules of strict liability regarding damage compensation.  This descriptive-analytical research, after examining various fiqh viewpoints, identifies the viewpoint of Itlaf being a discretionary rule as the preferred approach. This viewpoint is more compatible with the approach of Iranian law and other legal systems. Considering the discretionary nature of this rule, it can be applied in both contractual and strict liability domains. Also, intentional breach of contract can be considered a type of Itlaf. Regarding the method of compensation for damages, the agreement of the parties can be reconciled with the general rules of strict liability. However, in invoking the rule of Itlaf in contractual damage compensation, its conditions and limitations must be considered. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of damage compensation in contractual relations within the Iranian legal framework, with potential implications for legal practice and policy.
Keywords: Rule of Loss, Contractual Liability, Damage Compensation, Fault, Strict Liability


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