Analysis of the necessity of defining jurisprudential titles andon the view of the Kefayah owner

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer at Imam Mehdi Seminary (Ajalullah), PhD Student in Criminal Jurisprudence, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran.


The present study seeks to examine the necessity of "the subject of defining jurisprudential and principled titles" in the sense that whether the definition of titles such as purity, worship, prayer and prayer, etc. in jurisprudence and general and special and prohibition in the science of principles has practical effect. Is it And is it enough for theological fruit to deal with these issues? According to Sahib Kefayeh, the true definition of objects is not possible and the definition of jurisprudential and principled titles such as verbal definitions and description of names is necessary to address these definitions and respond to There were no problems, and even without these verbal definitions, we would have to deal with the issues of the rules of science, and distinguishing these titles from each other is not subject to their definition by scholars. Because the jurisprudential and principled titles are obvious to the audience, there is no need to define and the basic principle is not to put the practical fruit on the definition. Of course, in cases where the definition of the practical fruit is burdensome, the definition should be studied and ijtihad in the best way. Instead of addressing these issues under the pretext of the fruit of the seminary (which is not really the fruit of jurisprudence and principles) and the waste of time and opportunity, to address practical issues and issues appropriate to the time and place of today's society.


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