Interference of human rights standards in party autonomy principle

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Payam Noor University, Department of Law, Tehran, Iran


Party autonomy principle is an important and crucial principle in contract law and according to this principle the wills of the dealersgoverns all aspects of the contract unless one of these limitations containing ordering rules, public order, and good deed, results in hindrance to the enforcement of the contract. However, since the parties to the contract are not of equal status and there may be contractual inequality, the parties cannot abandoned based on autonomy principleand a strategy should be provided for contractual balance and equality. In some cases, lawmakers have developed some rules and interfered in contract relations to make a balance in the contract, but this case interference of the lawmakers cannot cause equality in the contract and removing imbalance between the parties. Through human rights standardsand its interference in private and contractual relations, imbalance can be brought back to the contract. This paper is aimed at investigating the Interference of human rights standardsin contract law and the way it should be done.


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