Critical study of the structures of the principles of Shiite Principles of fiqh and presenting a new plan

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor Mustafa International University Qom, Qom, Iran


The knowledge of the principles of Fiqh has undergone many and varied changes since its inception, and behind it, various structures have been presented to regulate its topics. These structures were simple and rudimentary in the early stages and became more complex over time as their problems spread. Lack of a single division, lack of observance in the balance of sections and chapters, failure to mention some important issues, parallelism, lack of relevance of the subsection to the chapter, ambiguity and conciseness are among the most important problems of the proposed structures. Accepted by most people; Coordinate with past arrangements as much as possible; Cover all topics; The appropriateness of the discussion with its place; Failure to mention extraneous issues; Logical and orderly arrangement; Lack of high complexity; Non-repetition; Avoiding distractions and distractions; Being the best is one of the most important coordinates of the desired structure. This article examines the most important structures proposed by Shiite fundamentalists for the knowledge of the principles of Fiqh through the method of descriptive-critical analytical research and library documents, and then designs the proposed arrangement based on the coordinates of the desired structure. This arrangement has seven parts: Introduction to the principles of Fiqh; Recognition of rulings; Determining the reason for inferring the rulings; The meaning of the arguments of the rulings; Complications of the evidence; rulings; Equilibrium and preference Obedience to the rulings.


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مجله ‌الکترونیکی‎ شبکه ‌اجتهاد (