the origin of victim s rights in Islam and iran in comparison with statute of international criminal court

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor University of Kurdistan

2 Master of Criminal Law and Criminology, Kurdistan University of Sanandaj, Iran


Attention to victims and their needs and individual rights are important topics in criminology. Throughout history, past and present laws have provided different rights to victims, depending on the culture and beliefs of the community at that time, but compensation, rehabilitation and rehabilitation of victims have been the basis of these rights in all laws. It is not clear to anyone the need to protect the victims of crime, but what is important in this regard is to identify and prioritize the fundamental rights and needs of the victims and then to provide solutions and policies to protect the rights of the victims. Determining the legal status of the victim and examining similarities and differences between these rights in Islamic law, the 1392 International Criminal Court Statute and the Code of Criminal Procedure, and the strengths and weaknesses of the International Criminal Procedure Code, 1392, are the main focus of this study.


قرآن کریم.
نهج البلاغه.
قانون آیین دادرسی کیفری مصوب 1392.
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